There’s something to be said for family jewelry heirlooms—their significance, their beauty, and the memories they hold. Many family heirlooms are antique pieces that have been passed down for generations. From engagement and wedding rings, to necklaces, bracelets, and brooches, every family has one—or more—that has made its way through multiple family members. Maybe they’re pieces that are still being worn, or maybe they’re safely stored for safe keeping. Either way, these pieces are a symbol of the ties that hold families together.
What are now vintage pieces were once new items, which proves that heirlooms have to start their stories somewhere—why not with you!? Fine jewelry is often the first choice when it comes to pieces that will eventually be passed down. Whether it’s diamonds, sapphires, rubies, or more, as well as yellow gold, white gold, or other precious metal, heirlooms have a distinct style that stands the test of time.
Any gemstone and design is worthy of becoming a family heirloom. Many popular pieces today include classic diamond-style pieces, such as solitaire engagement rings that go from grandmothers to daughter to granddaughters. Or what about the traditional cameo locket that’s over 100 years old?
An heirloom is whatever you make it. The most important thing is to be true to yourself and choose a style that holds some sort of significance. The meaning will hold fast and trickle down through each of its owners over time. That’s the beauty and power of jewelry that stands the test of time.
For those who prefer timeless over trendy, heirloom style jewelry is the perfect choice. Quality pieces made from tough materials and hard stones will likely last longer over the years.
So start your life’s worth of memories—the happy, the sad, the accomplishments, the milestones—and watch as your jewelry holds all of those timestamps safely within its construction, waiting for the next wearer to carry them on for years to come.