Why spend your hard-earned money on fine jewelry if you don’t know how to care for it the correct way to make it last for decades to come? Well good news, you won’t have to look any further than this comprehensive how-to guide for all of your jewelry care and storage needs. Follow these simple guidelines to keep your sparklers looking just as beautiful as they day you bought them.
- Consider when to wear
Do you wear your best pieces only when you leave the house? Or are you the type who hasn’t taken off your wedding ring since your spouse first slid it on your finger? Whether you wear your jewelry around the clock or not, it’s important to remove your finest pieces for certain occasions such as heavy labor or activities that involve dirt or other messes. Gardening? Scrubbing tile grout? Doing an intense workout? Take that jewelry off. Things like oils, greases, and soils can damage your jewelry and make it harder to clean.
- Keep it clean
Speaking of clean…even the most cared for jewelry will need a refreshing makeover from time to time. The most crucial aspect of cleaning jewelry is to realize that not all metals and gemstones should be cleaned the same way. Certain materials may react differently to chemicals in cleaners, so the safest option is to clean fine jewelry in a bowl of warm water with mild dish soap. Get into tiny crevices with a soft toothbrush to remove any lingering debris or built-on grime. In addition to regular at-home cleaning, all fine jewelry should be taken to a professional cleaner periodically for a thorough check and cleaning. There’s nothing better than a super shiny and sparkly piece that you can’t stop staring at!
- Consider insurance
Want a complete piece of mind? Insurance for your most prized possessions—including jewelry—is a great option that’s easy to achieve. Many homeowners insurance plans offer extensions for things like fine jewelry such as engagement and wedding rings, as well as other highly valuable pieces. Now you won’t have to worry about catastrophes like loss or damage when you’ve taken the extra step to protect your finest jewelry pieces.
- Storage is important
Where do you put your jewelry when you’re not wearing it? Are you the type who tosses them loosely on the counter? Or do you carefully secure them in a safe place? The latter is the better option, in order to avoid misplacing a piece. Storage is not only for keeping track of where your jewelry is at all time, but also helps maintain the clean and brilliant look that you expect. Most fine jewelry should be stored in a clean and dry location such as a cloth-lined jewelry box, or individual storage boxes designed specifically for jewelry. One of the primary reasons for this is to prevent exposure to humidity or other elements that can affect the look of metals and gemstones. Keeping pieces separate will prevent rubbing and tarnishing against each other. Similarly, hanging necklaces on individual hooks will help them to not tangle.